Morning Drop Off Procedures
Morning drop-off is from 7:05 - 7:35 AM. If you arrive to the school after drop-off is over, you must sign-in your students in the main office.
PK-1st - Traffic Pattern Video
Families with PK - 1st students will utilize the Dotted Line Traffic Pattern. McAllister staff will open the doors of the cars for these students. If you have a mixed group of students, please utilize this line if there is a PK-1st grader in the car.
2nd – 5th - Traffic Pattern Video
Families with only 2nd - 5th students will utilize the Dashed Line Traffic Pattern. You will enter through the same lane where buses drop off students. Students should be prepared to exit from the vehicle on their own. McAllister staff will be out to assist as needed.

Afternoon Pick-Up Procedures
All Car Riders
For all students, utilize the road that goes around the back of MES. After you pass the gate, traffic will sort into two lanes. If you are picking up any students in grades PK-1, you must utilize the "inside lane" (right). If you are only picking up students in grades 2-5, please utilize the "outside lane" (left) ONLY.
Please have the appropriate Transportation Tag(s) displayed during pick-up. These Transportation Tags are what is used to call students out to the loading area and ensure that students are being picked-up by the correct adult.
Make sure that students know their car Transportation Tag number, which is how they are called from the supervised area to line up in the afternoons. If, for any reason, the Transportation Tag(s) is not displayed during afternoon pick-up, the driver will be required to check-out the student through the main office. A picture ID will be required.

Walker Procedures
MES will have Dependent and Independent Walkers as a mode of afternoon transportation.
Below are more specifics regarding each type of walker:
Independent Walkers
Students must live in Buckhead East.
A Walker Permission Form must be on file.
Independent Walkers must be in grades 3-5.
Younger siblings (in grades K-2) are only allowed to walk home independently when accompanied by older sibling(s). This must be documented on the Walker Permission Form. Pre-K students are not allowed to be an Independent Walker with their sibling.
If the older sibling is absent or not walking home at regular dismissal time, the younger sibling must go home another way.
Independent Walkers will be escorted to the crosswalk near the bike rack by staff. Staff members on duty will release students from this area.
Multiple students from the same household must leave campus together.
Dependent Walkers
Students must live in Buckhead East.
A Walker Permission Form must be on file.
All grade levels are allowed to be dependent walkers. Pre-K students are only allowed to be dependent walkers. (Students in grades K-2 can walk home with a sibling in grades 3-5.)
These students are picked up by an adult who is listed on the White Card.
The adult picking up the student(s) must have the Transportation Tag for each student being picked up that day. This will serve as identification.
If an adult does not have a student’s Transportation Tag, the student should be picked up from the main office using a picture ID.
Dependent Walkers will be dismissed from the bike rack on the side of the road closest to Buckhead East.